Graphite box

Graphite boxes are generally used as refractory materials. Because of the high-temperature resistance good high-temperature strength and corrosion resistance of carbon, many metallurgical furnace linings can be built with carbon plates. Such as the bottom of the iron furnace, the furnace cylinder, and the furnace belly, the lining of the iron alloy furnace and calcium carbide furnace, and the bottom and side of the aluminum electrolytic cell.

Graphite box for high-temperature applications are generally used as refractory materials. Because of the high-temperature resistance good high-temperature strength and corrosion resistance of carbon, many metallurgical furnace linings can be built with carbon plates. Such as the bottom of the iron furnace, the furnace cylinder, and the furnace belly, the lining of the iron alloy furnace and calcium carbide furnace, and the bottom and side of the aluminum electrolytic cell.


Graphite box, which has the following special properties:


1) High-temperature resistance: The melting point of graphite is 3850±50℃, and the boiling point is 4250℃, even if the ultra-high temperature arc burning, the weight loss is very small, and the coefficient of thermal expansion is very small. The strength of graphite increases with the increase in temperature. At 2000℃, the strength of graphite is doubled.
2) Electrical and thermal conductivity: The electrical conductivity of graphite is one hundred times higher than that of general non-metallic ore. The thermal conductivity is higher than steel, iron, lead, and other metal materials. The thermal conductivity decreases with increasing temperature, and even at very high temperatures, graphite becomes adiabatic. Graphite conducts electricity because each carbon atom in graphite forms only three covalent bonds with other carbon atoms. Graphite box supplier, each carbon atom still retains one free electron to carry charge.


By embracing these carbon-based solutions for sustainable living, you're making a conscious choice to reduce your impact on the planet, conserve resources, and promote a cleaner, greener future.